Fun Fun Fun. Little Isabelle, under the tree and by the pond, was the fun of Victor, Christine and Charles. We would make a circle and over time, she crawled, then walked, then ran to each of us, always laughing and always fun! I only remember 1 television before Melody came to us - it only lasted for a few months before we argued about the programs and father/Opi threw it away. So our main group entertainment was ISABELLE!!! PS that was the only new TV we got, afterward it was used TVs which would last a few months, then we argued, then Opi threw them away. This lasted until I went to college.
Love all around, Onkle Viktor
Love all around, Onkle Viktor
OK, that Isabelle sounds like a fun little sister - she must have had the most awesome big brothers ever!!!! YUP she did :)