Thursday, March 12, 2009

a few more fun ones:)

I love LOVE this fam:)...
Aunt Christine, this pictures completely reminds me of Heather- I almost had you mistaken!


  1. Fun Fun Fun. Little Isabelle, under the tree and by the pond, was the fun of Victor, Christine and Charles. We would make a circle and over time, she crawled, then walked, then ran to each of us, always laughing and always fun! I only remember 1 television before Melody came to us - it only lasted for a few months before we argued about the programs and father Opi threw it away. So our main group entertainment was ISABELLE!!! PS that was the only new TV we got, afterward it was used TVs which would last a few months, then we argued, then Opi threw them away. This lasted until I went to college. Love all around, Onkle Viktor
