Saturday, February 7, 2009

Let's blog in honor of Omi

Hey everyone, this is Jessica. Laurel and I are going to manage this blog together. Omi really wants us all to stay in touch, and having a family blog is the perfect way to do that. This blog is here for all of us to write about happy memories with Omi & Opi, post pictures, etc. We also want to stay up to date on what is happening in each other's lives, so feel free to write about any big hapenings, etc.

I know that my mom will be showing the blog to Opi regularly, and it will make him very happy to see, and help him to feel closer to each of us. I am missing a lot of family e-mails, so please e-mail me any e-mails that you may have so that I can invite them to participate (, the more the better.

Thank you, and I love you all!!!

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